Well, what indeed?

Genki Kawamura’s novel starts from the assumption that the devil makes a pact with a terminally ill person to prolong his life one day at a time, but that in return he must agree to erase one category of objects from the world forever. Per day.


It is easyily forseeable that this deal will not make for too many extra days of life for the main character, and indeed that is not the main point of the story. The main point is the protagonist's quest for finding what is important in his life − not objects, but persons or concepts. That is also the reason why the dissappearance of several objects has almost no cosequences for the plot.

The book contains some light philosophical musings and therefore is quite an interesting read. However, the language is slightly off the mark. There is a strange mix of laconic, short sentences and a rather presumptious vocabulary. It simply doesn't feel right. This may be the translator's fault rather than the authors, or it may just be my fault − but I am not as convinced off Kawamura's text as the "over 1 million copies sold in Japan" suggest.
Or maybe: Japanese may have a different taste in literature than I have.