
1956, vor über 60 Jahren, setzte Anders sich mit der modernen Gesellschaft auseinander und veröffentlichte seine Beobachtungen und Gedanken hierzu im Sammelband Die Antiquiertheit des Menschen.

Der erste Band enthält mehrere Aufsätze, deren Kernthese besagt, dass beim modernen Menschen die charakterliche und ethische Fortentwicklung (wenn sie denn überhaupt stattfindet) nicht mit der ungleich schnelleren technischen Entwicklung schritthalten kann, dass also die Schere zwischen technischen Möglichkeiten und menschlicher Angepasstheit sich zusehends weiter auftut.

This is of course a classic of post-war drama. Two friends Vladimir and Estragon wait for Godot – and nothing happens.

The play is about lack of action, or more precisely: lack of development through quite some action. There is not much to be summarised, and what could in theory be summarised really does not matter.

We have here a very typical Coffetable Book: Huge format, lots of beautiful pictures, and short, easily readable texts. Despite all this the texts go into considerable detail. If you take your time to read the book from cover to cover, there is a lot to be learned from over 50 years of Dr. Who(s). The author’s emphasis on names makes for some tough reading, especially since I tend to forget names quickly.

Much of the rest is indeed interesting if you want to find out about the development of a TV programme that has its roots in the early years of TV and is still going strong today. It goes to demonstrate how a good story works even when it is produced under simple circumstances, also how primitve TV-sets gracefully covered up the lack of sophistication in design and effects and how the modern-day competition of films shot for the cinema raised expectations of audiences.

The book is organised by years, but this is not followed too stringently. Many topics like viewing figures, merchandise, plot continuity etc. are covered only once or a few time and mor or less randomly presented under one year.

Not a must-buy, but a should-buy for fans of the Doctor.

This novel is a classic and a must-read in American literature.

It is set during WW2 in an Airforce Camp on the ficitionalised Italian island of Pianosa where main character Yossarian basically tries all he can to get transferred back to the US because he rightly feels that the ongoing war endangers his life. His fear leads to some bizarre behaviour which would normally qualify him for transfer back home on the grounds that he is mentally insane. Unfortunately, there is a catch - catch 22: The fact that he wants to be taken out of the war proves that he is not mentally insane which, in turn, makes it impossible for him to ever get back into safety unless he stops wanting to.

Das Nilpferdbuch enthält mehr oder weniger das, was der Untertitel verspricht: »Spannende und abenteuerliche Beschäftigungsideen für Väter und Kinder«. Das ist keine schlechte Sache. Natürlich ist nicht alles brauchbar, und mein privates Kind ist auch noch nicht ganz im passenden Alter (vier bis sechs Jahre wären ganz gut), aber: es gibt eine Menge gute Ideen, die über einen langweiligen Tag helfen können.

Wer sich fragt, was mit den im Untertitel nicht weiter erwähnten Müttern ist: