
Der demokratische Rechtsstaat ermöglicht allen Bürger*innen Partizipation und damit Mit-Gestaltung ihres Gemeinwesens. Konflikte zwischen verschiedenen Bevölkerungsgruppen werden so gewaltlos und produktiv gelöst.

Falsch!, sagt Agnoli. Das sei vielleicht der ursprüngliche Anspruch der Demokratie, der aber schon lange nicht mehr erfüllt werde. Er beschreibt die Entwicklung bzw. Transformation der Demokratie als »Involution« und meint damit das Gegenteil von »Evolution«. Will sagen: Die Demokratie entwickele sich nicht vorwärts, entfalte nicht immer mehr ihr inhärentes Potenzial, sondern sie schrumpfe in sich zusammen und werde immer schwächer. Dies geschehe im Wesentlichen nicht durch Verfassungsänderungen (obwohl auch die eine Rolle spielen können), sonder vor allem durch ein Kapern demokratischer Institutionen durch Interessengruppen, die qua materialer Macht immer schon die Geschicke des Staatswesens beeinflusst haben. Es etabliert sich in den Institutionen ein Konsens dessen, was gesagt und was nicht gesagt werden darf, und die Spielräume demokratischer Gestaltung reduzieren sich auf die Ausfüllung dieses Konsens.

One day, highschool stundent Clay receives a box of 7 audio tapes. Each side tells us about one person and his or her involvement in the events leading to Hannah’s death. The tapes were recorded and posted by Hannah herself before her suicide.

As we read Asher’s novel, we follow Clay around his town, visiting the places that were important to Hannah and, of course, listening to Hannah’s story. This is a clever move of the author because it gives us two first-person narrators with whom we can identify. We hear the same story from two different perspectives which sometimes complement, sometimes challenge each other. The author develops the idea of a snowball effect or a vicious circle where Hannah’s compromised reputation leads others to think and act in certain ways, thereby even further destroying her reputation. Sooner or later a point is reached where Hannah can do nothing to control the damage, making her a tragic figure in the classical sense.

The novel is structured along the 13 tape sides which gives it a clear structure – easy to read in small portions, very youth-friendly. Because, after the general plot and setp has been established, the chapters can be read and understood and discussed independent from each other, this structure is also very teacher- and TV-friendly.

The characters could have been given a bit more depth, the plot might have allowed for a bit less predictability but altogether the novel is certainly worth reading and sleeping over.

Almost all the pupils in my course said they liked the book and thought it an important book. However, there seems to be quite a flood of teenage-suicide related books and TV-shows. And maybe some of the likes really related to the Netflix show, not the book.

This is a book that is not an easy read, despite contrary claims in the blurb. Verheyen analyses the German question from an immediate post-unification point of view.

He works with great precision and exhaustive attention to details which explains why reading the book is no easy nor enjoyable occupation. But: We get to learn quite a lot. Verheyen starts with the pre-Kaiserreich past, continues through fascism, communism and West-German integration into the Western community to finally discuss the status quo of German society, particularly its attitude towards democracy, in 1991. Verheyen is not someone for simple answers. Ideas of the German Sonderweg or a German authoritarian character are discussed and somewhat acknowledged but always put in perspective.

Ein Buch mit lustigen Katzengedichten... klingt erst mal nicht besonders vielversprechend. Katzenliteratur gibt es ja viele, und vieles ist nicht besonders interessant. Auch der sicherheitshalber auf dem Titel ergänzte Hinweis "New York Times Bestseller" muss nicht unbedingt beruhigen, zumal schlechte Gedichte in der Übersetzung selten gewinnen.

Hier ist dann doch einiges anders. Die Gedichte regen immerhin zum Nachdenken, häufig auch zum Schmunzeln an. Und auch wenn es halt kleine, lustige Kätzchengedichte sind – da hat man schon deutlich schlechtere gelesen, auch dort, wo nicht der Faktor Kätzchen ins Spiel kam.

Kann man lesen. Ist man allerdings auch rasch mit durch.

Books are one way of making experiences you could not possibly make in real life. They can immerse you in phantasy worlds, in worlds of the past or the future or in times far away.

Zakes Mda’s heart of redness takes the reader to the real-life South African seaside village of Qolorha where a struggle is going on between proponents of development and civilisation on the one hand and defenders of the traditional ways on the other hand. Nobody in this village wants to turn back times and revert to an »authentic« Xhosa lifestyle without the amenities of modern technology – but some people do indeed have good reasons to prefer the quiet, relaxed and unspectacular life of an underdeveloped village to modernisation that takes more than it can offer.